Citizens Election Research Center
Wisconsin – The Federalist – Article: Left-Wing Nonprofit Interfering In Milwaukee’s 2024 Elections Got $750K From Soros Group

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Article: Soros gave $750K to group interfering in Milwaukee elections

A Democrat-friendly dark money group bankrolling Milwaukee, Wisconsin’s 2024 elections previously received $750,000 from an organization founded by leftist billionaire George Soros.

Earlier this month, Urban Milwaukee revealed that the Democrat stronghold — in a county Joe Biden won by nearly 40 points in the 2020 election — was offered a $786,500 election grant from Cities Forward, a virtually unknown nonprofit organization that markets itself as a “nonpartisan effort focused on helping cities around the country make participation in the democratic process a priority.” According to Claire Woodall, the executive director of the Milwaukee Election Commission, the funds will be used to purchase new election equipment such as voting machines that print paper ballots and ballot tabulators, among other items.

The Milwaukee Election Commission and the Milwaukee Public Library also accepted a $250,000 grant from Cities Forward. Just the News reported that the grant will go towards a supposedly “non-partisan public education campaign … to increase civic connection among residents” that includes “Encourag[ing] ALL residents to register to vote, sign up to vote by mail, vote early, and update their state ID/driver’s licenses.”

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FOIA Request Response: Racine, WI

A Research Associate, at the Center for Tech and Civic Life, requests a candidate list that includes the names and party affiliations for all local-level county candidates for the April 2, 2024 general election in Racine County, WI. The county obliges and sends him the list.

FOIA Request Response: Madison, WI

Communications between the Center for Tech and Civic Life and the City of Madison, WI

Wisconsin Code of Ethics for Public Officials
Racine, WI: FOIA Response

April 24, 2024: Email- This correspondence is being sent on behalf of the City of Racine in response to your public records request (PR2023-345), in which you asked for the following records: any correspondence, including, but not limited to, emails, letters, meeting notes, call notes, between employees of the Kenosha Clerk’s office and employees of The Center for Tech and Civic Life, 233 N. Michigan Ave. Ste. 1800, Chicago, IL  60601 for a date range of 1/1/23 to present.

Wisconsin – The Federalist – Article: Green Bay Clerk Breaks Election Law, Pleads Ignorance

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Article: Controversial Wisconsin clerk admits to violating election law, claims she doesn’t understand it

Green Bay’s law-bending elections chief is at it again, but this time City Clerk Celestine Jeffreys admits she didn’t understand the election law she was breaking. 

In response to a complaint filed by the Public Interest Legal Foundation on behalf of three Green Bay citizens, Jeffreys “concedes that she has not been strictly adhering to the statutory requirements in Wisconsin Statutes … but the failure to do so was inadvertent and due to a lack of awareness of the statutory requirements.” 

In short, the much-troubled clerk was ignorant, not willful, according to the legal response. It’s more of the same from Jeffreys, the former chief of staff for Green Bay’s far-left mayor in a city that made national news during the Zuckerbucks scandal of 2020 and turned punitive when its bumbling clerk previously twisted state election law. 

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Wisconsin – – Article: Dane County Seeks Clarification of New Amendments

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Article: Dane County seeks clarity on definitions of ‘election official,’ ‘task’ to complying with constitutional amendments

Dane County’s corporation counsel has asked Dem AG Josh Kaul for guidance on what constitutes an “election official” and a “task” when trying to implement new constitutional amendments voters approved in April.

Carlos Pabellón also argued “election official” should be defined by a law that states it’s “any individual who is charged with any duties related to the conduct of an election.” Otherwise, there’s the possibility that local clerks, their employees and others could be barred from running elections this fall.

Pabellón’s request last week for an attorney general’s opinion comes after voters approved two amendments during the April election. One barred the use of private funds to cover the public costs to administer an election. The second one restricts who may perform tasks in primaries, elections and referendums to “an election official designated by law.”

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The Bharat Express News- Article: Wisconsin Voters Introduce Amendments that Could ‘Undermine’ State Elections

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Article: WI voters sign two amendments that election officials worry will harm election administration in the state.

While it was clear that Joe Biden and Donald Trump would win their respective primaries in Wisconsin on Tuesday, voters in the state pulled off other surprises by backing Republican-backed election amendments and registering a significant anti-war protest vote.

Wisconsin voters on Tuesday signed into the state constitution two amendments that election officials and voting rights advocates worry will harm election administration in the state.

The first prohibits election offices from accessing private subsidies — a source of revenue that election officials relied on in 2020 to conduct elections during the pandemic and have since been used to stock voting equipment in polling places.

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Wisconsin – Town Hall – Article: Republicans Score Major Win for Election Integrity

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Article: WI voter have made it clear that they do not want “Zuckerbucks” or dark-money interests influencing their local elections.

Wisconsin voters approved two constitutional amendments on Tuesday that the RNC says “will enshrine the principles of election integrity into the lawbooks.”  

Fifty-four percent of voters approved Question 1 banning the state from accepting private funds or equipment for election administration, commonly referred to as “Zuckerbucks.” According to the RNC, this ensures that “outsiders can’t manipulate the will of hardworking Wisconsin families when they cast their ballots.” Question 2 passed with 58.58 percent of the vote and mandates that only designated election officials can administer elections.

“Wisconsin voters have made it clear that they do not want Zuckerbucks or dark-money interests influencing their local elections,” RNC Chairman Michael Whatley said in a statement. “The RNC and RPW were proud to help drive this crucial victory and ensure strong poll-watching coverage across Wisconsin to ensure a transparent voting process. This win emphasizes that Americans support basic election integrity safeguards in battleground states like Wisconsin and around the country.” 

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Newsmax – Article: After Wisconsin Vote, RNC Likely to Launch War on ‘Zuckerbucks’

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Article: Wisconsin voters resoundingly elected to ban out-of-state election interference

Wisconsin voters resoundingly elected to ban out-of-state election interference with vote counting Tuesday.

Barely 24 hours later, Newsmax learned that members of the Republican National Committee were discussing launching a movement nationwide to eradicate the influence of outside money in election administration such as that deployed by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg in 2020.

With nearly all votes counted, 54% of Badger State voters supported Question 1 to ban all private funding of elections. An even larger number of voters (58%) voted to enact Question 2 to restrict the administration of elections “to only election officials designated by law.”

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