Citizens Election Research Center
FOIA Request Response: Madison, WI

Communications between the Center for Tech and Civic Life and the City of Madison, WI

Wisconsin – The Cap Times – Article: Madison Spent Private Election Funds Before Amendment Banned Them

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Article: The City of Madison had already spent $1.5 million in private grant funding for new election equipment before Wisconsin voters approved a ban on such money for local governments.

The city of Madison had already spent $1.5 million in private grant funding for new election equipment before Wisconsin voters approved a ban on such money for local governments.

Voters resoundingly approved two state constitutional amendments April 2 that would ban not just the private grant funding but also restrict who can be involved in administering elections in Wisconsin. 

Statewide, voters in all but nine counties moved to approve the ban on private election funding. One of the nine was Dane County, where residents voted over 2-to-1 to reject the amendment. 

The second amendment, which restricted election administration to only “election officials designated by law,” gained somewhat more widespread support.

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Wisconsin – Madison: City Uses USAEE Money for New Signs at Polling Places

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Article: Madison, Wisconsin uses USAEE grant money to develop new signs for polling places.

New signs will greet voters as they enter their polling place on Tuesday. The new signs contain English, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Hmong, and an icon to help voters navigate the polling place.

Through a project with the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence, the City Clerk’s Office worked with the Center for Civic Design to develop the new signs.

“We want our democracy to be accessible to every eligible voter,” said Mayor Rhodes-Conway. “It’s important that we are providing voting information in a variety of languages. I appreciate the improvements the Clerk’s Office has made.”

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Wisconsin – TMJ4 Milwaukee – Article: City Spent Elections Grants Weeks Before Voters Banned Them

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Article: Madison official says city spent elections grants weeks before voters banned them. Election officials concerned about the implications of new constitutional amendments.

MADISON, Wisconsin — Wisconsin voters on Tuesday passed a constitutional amendment to ban private funding for elections.

Just weeks earlier, the city of Madison used most of the nearly $1.5 million in private grant money at its disposal to purchase a new machine to process absentee ballots, according to Mike Haas, the city’s attorney.

Haas, who is also the former head of the Wisconsin Elections Commission, said the proposed constitutional amendments on Tuesday’s ballot were a factor in deciding to use up the money.

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