Citizens Election Research Center
Wisconsin – The Federalist – Article: Left-Wing Nonprofit Interfering In Milwaukee’s 2024 Elections Got $750K From Soros Group

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Article: Soros gave $750K to group interfering in Milwaukee elections

A Democrat-friendly dark money group bankrolling Milwaukee, Wisconsin’s 2024 elections previously received $750,000 from an organization founded by leftist billionaire George Soros.

Earlier this month, Urban Milwaukee revealed that the Democrat stronghold — in a county Joe Biden won by nearly 40 points in the 2020 election — was offered a $786,500 election grant from Cities Forward, a virtually unknown nonprofit organization that markets itself as a “nonpartisan effort focused on helping cities around the country make participation in the democratic process a priority.” According to Claire Woodall, the executive director of the Milwaukee Election Commission, the funds will be used to purchase new election equipment such as voting machines that print paper ballots and ballot tabulators, among other items.

The Milwaukee Election Commission and the Milwaukee Public Library also accepted a $250,000 grant from Cities Forward. Just the News reported that the grant will go towards a supposedly “non-partisan public education campaign … to increase civic connection among residents” that includes “Encourag[ing] ALL residents to register to vote, sign up to vote by mail, vote early, and update their state ID/driver’s licenses.”

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Milwaukee Cities Forward Election Commission Grant Agreement- 3/4/24

Election Administration Grant request from Cities Forward (total amount equal to $786,850), with itemized list of requests.

Wisconsin – Restoration of America – Article: Milwaukee Takes Arabella “DARK MONEY” to Count Your Ballots in Zuckbucks Scandal Repeat

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Article: The Left is trying once more to privatize the 2024 election in Milwaukee, and they’re using the world’s biggest political machine to do it. It’s up to voters to save their state from D.C. mega-donors.

Wisconsinites couldn’t have a starker choice on April 2: Vote “yes” on Question 1 to ban tainted “Zuckbucks” forever—or let the Left continue selling election administration to the highest bidder.

If you needed any more evidence of the latter, consider the newly announced $800,000 grant from an opaque left-wing nonprofit to Milwaukee’s elections department to “process absentee ballots” and “connect with voters via text messages” mere weeks before voters ban such private funding.

In a bare repeat of 2020’s Zuckbucks scheme, another shadowy group—Cities Forward—is attempting to privatize the government office responsible for counting voters’ ballots in a city that broke for Joe Biden by 183,000 votes.

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