The Federalist – Article: Meet The Shadowy Left-Wing Nonprofit Harvesting Voter Data To Juice Democrat Turnout

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Article: A closer look at the VPC reveals how it uses harvested voter data to enhance Democrats’ election machine.

In an era of U.S. elections where ballots — not voters — are the favored currency, nonprofit voter registration has become instrumental in determining which candidate comes out on top at the ballot box.

While conservatives have largely failed to recognize the necessity of such operations in driving Republican voter turnout, leftists haven’t. Unlike their opponents, Democrats have amassed a well-funded machine that’s accumulated their party massive electoral wins in recent cycles, even as the head of their party remains widely unpopular among the American electorate.

Central to Democrats’ efforts is the Voter Participation Center (VPC), a left-wing nonprofit that, despite claiming to be “nonpartisan,” aims to create a “New American Majority” by facilitating “registration of numerous Democratic-leaning voting populations” such as “unmarried women, [racial] minorities and millennials,” according to InfluenceWatch.

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Warning: The article is neither owned nor written by the Citizens Election Research Center. The provided .pdf is only for the purposes of ease of viewing.