Wisconsin – Town Hall – Article: Republicans Score Major Win for Election Integrity

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Article: WI voter have made it clear that they do not want “Zuckerbucks” or dark-money interests influencing their local elections.

Wisconsin voters approved two constitutional amendments on Tuesday that the RNC says “will enshrine the principles of election integrity into the lawbooks.”  

Fifty-four percent of voters approved Question 1 banning the state from accepting private funds or equipment for election administration, commonly referred to as “Zuckerbucks.” According to the RNC, this ensures that “outsiders can’t manipulate the will of hardworking Wisconsin families when they cast their ballots.” Question 2 passed with 58.58 percent of the vote and mandates that only designated election officials can administer elections.

“Wisconsin voters have made it clear that they do not want Zuckerbucks or dark-money interests influencing their local elections,” RNC Chairman Michael Whatley said in a statement. “The RNC and RPW were proud to help drive this crucial victory and ensure strong poll-watching coverage across Wisconsin to ensure a transparent voting process. This win emphasizes that Americans support basic election integrity safeguards in battleground states like Wisconsin and around the country.” 

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